Sunday 3 April 2011

Glimpse of the Heart

Dulu banget... pernah post tulisan ini di note facebook... tentang seseorang... dulu karena lagi inget dia, jadi nulis ini...sekarang mau aku post lagi karena cuma pengen ngehargain perasaan aku..hhehhe *lebay... bukan karena lagi inget sama dia... justru karena ingin sedikit demi sedikit melupakan dia tapi dengan cara menghargai perasaan aku sendiri... supaya bisa melupakan dengan tenang tanpa ada rasa sedih dan penyesalan...

When I saw him; there is a flash which is made me think he’s different
Seeing him through my eyes, I saw peaceful, silence, and loneliness
All brought together inside him
It was a moment when I fall for love, nothing but love…..
He stood and looked at me, he was there saying no words….
He smiled at me, seems like gift from heaven…caressed my soul as light as a feather….
He said another different word, just like a gray color between black and white….
Here I am, drawing a memory that might be forgotten for very long time…
He used to warm my days, revealed a buried happiness inside of me…
There was a moment when he walked away…
Somehow I realize this parting was a wounded
We weren’t meant to be…but that’s ok…his presence would be the stupendous little glimpse of my life…
I’m still here capturing those memories through my heart, and it is wonderful….


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