Sunday 30 September 2012

Maybelline Clear Smooth Face Powder


Hello sista... kali ini aku mau bahas-bahas bedak yang aku pakai sehari-hari. Maybelline clear smooth shine free powder Nude Beige SPF 18. Awalnya salah seorang teman jaman kuliah pake bedak ini, setelah aku coba sendiri ternyata memang cocok sampai sekarang. 

Bedak ini cukup ampuh melawan minyak berlebih diwajah yang memang formulanya lasting oil control, tidak mengandung parfum, dan tidak menyumbat pori-pori. Sebenarnya seiring bertambahnya usia alias makin dewasa, produksi minyak di wajah akan sedikit berkurang. Setelah usia 20th keatas seperti sekarang ini wajahku tidak terlalu berminyak, akan tetapi jika menggunakan pelembab dan bedak, setelah beberapa jam tetap saja berminyak, maka aku tetap bertahan menggunakan bedak yang oil free seperti Maybelline ini. 

Aku memilih jenis face powder dibandingkan 2 way cake karena untuk penggunaan sehari-hari formulanya terasa ringan di wajah, apalagi jika pengunaan bedak ini bersamaan dengan Maybelline BB Cream Clear Smooth, coveragenya oke deh.  Noda jerawat tersamarkan dan wajah tidak terlalu berminyak (cukup lembab sepanjang hari). 

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Wardah Exclusive Lipstick no.47 Light Rose

Lipstick, make up yang satu ini tergolong unik, misalnya apabila kita memakai warna lipstick yang sama dengan salah seorang teman kita, warna yang dihasilkan di bibir akan berbeda. Maka dari itu kita harus memilih warna lipstick yang memang sesuai dengan warna bibir kita dan juga cocok untuk warna kulit wajah kita agar hasilnya maksimal dan wajah terliha segar. 

Setelah sekian lama aku berganti-ganti lipstick demi mencari warna lipstick yang sesuai, akhirnya ketemu juga dengan Wardah Exclusive Lipstick no.47 Light Rose, kebanyakan orang pengguna lipstick wardah lebih menyukai warna Peach Brown ataupun Pink Lovers, tapi warna yang sesuai buat aku tetap Light Rose yang terlihat pink kemerahan tapi tetap terlihat segar dan fresh pada wajah, 

Overall, lipstick wardah exclusive ini mengandung Olive oil, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E yang membuat bibir kita tetap lembab. Akan tetapi buat aku, tetap saja kalau lipstick yang cenderung matte akan membuat bibir kita terlihat agak sedikit kering. Kalau sudah gitu kita mesti pintar-pintar mengakalinya supaya tetap lembab.

Tips yang bisa dilakukan antara lain, pastikan bibir kita dalam keadaan bersih sebelum aplikasi lipstick, lebih baik dibersihkan dengan baby oil, agar bibir kita tetap lembut. Setelah itu aplikasikan lipstick wardah, setelah merata, oleskan lipgloss, biasanya aku pakai Lipgloss Red-A karena formulanya cukup ringan dan tidak memberikan kesan tebal dan berat pada bibir kita yang sudah diolesi lipstick. Aplikasi lipgloss cukup tipis-tipis saja untuk melembabkan dan agar lipstick tetap tahan lama. 

Semoga berguna ya sista..... buat yang penasaran coba lipstick wardah Light Rose, silahkan coba, harganya pun sangat terjangkau sekitar 29Ribu rupiah, dan jangan lupa aplikasikan juga tips di atas agar hasilnya lebih maksimal. ^^

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Saturday 29 September 2012


Name: 김준수 Kim Junsu
시아준수 Xiah Junsu | ジュンス Junsu | 金俊秀
Birthday: 15 December 1986 (Actual) | 01 January 1987 (Registered)
Place of birth: Gyeonggi-do
Height: 178cm | Weight: 64kg | Blood Type: B
Pet: Leo, Tigger, Bakira, Leon, Odd, Casillas, Xiahki
Twitter: @0101xiahtic, @1215thexiahtic

  • “Beautiful Thing” – Recorded in the OST for “Vacation” (2006)
  • “Rainy Night” – Recorded in Japanese Single “If…/Rainy Night” (2008)
  • “White Lies” – Recorded in TVXQ’s third Korean album “MIROTIC” versions C & D only (2008)
  • “XIAHTIC” – Recorded in Japanese Single “Break Out!” (2010)
  • “Intoxication/Kanashimi No Yukue/Kimi ga Ireba~Beautiful Love~” – Recorded in first solo Japanese single “XIAH” (2010)
  • “Too love” – Recorded in KBS Korean Drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal OST Album (2010)
  • “I can Soar” – Recorded in “JYJ The Beginning” Worlwide Album (2010)
  • “All Rise” – Performed at 1st Asia Tour “Rising Sun”(2006)
  • “My Page” – Performed at 2nd Asia Tour “O” (2007)
  • XIAHTIC – Korean version Performed at 3rd Asia Tour “Mirotic” ft. Key(SHINee)(2008) and Japanese version Performed at “JYJ Thanksgiving Live Concert” (2010)
  • “Intoxication/Kanashimi No Yukue/Kimi ga Ireba~Beautiful Love~” – Performed at “JYJ Thanksgiving Live Concert” (2010)
  • “I can Soar” – Performed at the 1th JYJ Worldwide Tour (2010)
  • “Too love” – Performed at the 1th JYJ Worldwide Tour (2010)
  • “You Are So Beautiful” – Recorded in SBS Korean Drama “Scent of a Woman” OST Album (2011)
  • “사랑이 싫다구요” ["I Don't Like Love" / "Dislike Love" / "Love Means Nothing to Me"] – Recorded in SBS Korean Drama “Rooftop Prince” OST Single (2012)
  • “Xia Tarantallegra” – 1st Solo Album (2012)
  • “Timeless” – Duet with Zhang Liyin (2006)
  • TPL (Talk, Play, Love)/Promise You/Day Dream – Anyband (With BoA, Tablo & Jin Bora) for Samsung Anycall (2007)
  • Wrote rap Lyrics (with Yoochun and YH) of “Love After Love” – Recorded in 2nd Korean Album “Rising Sun” (DBSK 2005)
  • Composed “네 곁에숨쉴수있다면 (White Lie)” – Recorded in 3rd Korean Studio Album “O Jung.Ban.Hap” (DBSK 2006)
  • Composed “My Page” – Performed at 2nd Asia Tour “O” (DBSK 2007)
  • Composed “Rainy Night” – Recorded in Japanese Single “If…/Rainy Night” (THSK 2008)
  • Wrote the lyrics of “노을..바라보다 (Picture of You)” – Recorded in 4th Korean Studio Album “Mirotic” (DBSK 2008)
  • Wrote rap part (with YH) of “사랑 안녕 사랑 (Love Bye Love)” – Recorded in 4th Korean Studio Album “Mirotic – C Version” (DBSK 2008)
  • Composed “XIAHTIC” (Korean Ver.) – Performed at 3rd Asia Tour “Mirotic” ft. Key from SHINee (DBSK 2009)
  • Composed “XIAHTIC” (Japanese Ver.) – Recorded in Japanese Single “Break Out!” (THSK 2010)
  • Co-composer “Shelter” (with Jaejoong) – Recorded in Japanese single “Colors ~Melody & Harmony~ ” (By Yoochun and Jaejoong) (THSK 2010)
  • Composer & lyricist & Arranger of “Intoxication” – Recorded in first solo Japanese single “XIAH” (2010)
  • Composed “I can Soar” – Recorded in JYJ Worlwide Album “The Beginning” (JYJ 2010)
  • Composer, Lyricist & Arranger of “Mission” (Micky wrote the rap part) – Recorded in 1th Korean Album “JYJ Mussic Essay – Their Rooms” (JYJ 2010)
  • Composer & Lyricist & Arranger of “Fallen Leaves” – Recorded in 1th Korean Album “JYJ Mussic Essay – Their Rooms” (JYJ 2010)
  • Lyricist of  ”You’re” – Recorded in JYJ Album “In Heaven” (2011); Performed in 2011 JYJ World Tour Concert (2011-2012)
  • Arranger & Composer of “Sunset” and “Tarantallegra” – Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Lyricist & Co-composer of “Set Me Free” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Co-composer of “돌고 돌아도 (Around and Around / Reflect of Love)” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Co-lyricist & Composer of “Lullaby” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Co-lyricist of “Fever” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Lyricist & Composer of “이슬을 머금은 나무 (Tree Covered in Dew / A Fairy)” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Lyricist, Composer & Arranger of “Breath” - Recorded in 1st Solo Album “Xia Tarantallegra” (2012)
  • Banjun Drama : “The King’s Men”, “Tokyo Holiday”, “Finding Lost Love”, “Uninvited Guest”, “Dangerous Love”, “Unforgettable Love” (2006).
  • “Vacation” (2006)
  • “Dating on Earth” (2007)
  • SBS Korean Drama “Scent of a Woman” Episode 05 – Cameo As Himself (2011)
  • Played the role of “Mozart” in the Korean production of “Mozart! Das Musical” (2010)
  • Junsu Musical Concert with Levay and Friends (2011)
  • Played the role of “Jun” in the Korean production of the Musical “Tears of Heaven” (2011)
  • Played the role of “Der Tod (Death)” in the Korean production of “Das Musical Elisabeth” (2012)
Credit: Soompi + JYJ3
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[TRANS] Atstar1’s interview with Kim Junsu – A Man with Charming Transformation

A man who constantly changed and never stays in one place, Kim Junsu.
He, who attempted at many transformations and is never afraid of them, took his time to be with @star1.
As a JYJ member, a musical actor and also as a solo singer.
A man who is running with no rest and never stops, Kim Junsu.
This is the story of that man, Kim Junsu.

While transforming into a solo singer, just recently he decided to release an English single album. It has become such a hot topic as he worked with an international composer like Bruce Automatic. He experienced a working style which is completely different from the one in Korea. “While in our country, we tend to focus only on recording the song, in the US, they try to get to know each other first through conversations then go on with recording. If the recording time takes about 4 hours in total, 2 hours would be spent in having natural conversations about the album with each other. Also, I feel that they take care of the artist overwhelmingly well. If I want to rest, they would tell me to rest until whenever I want, they would make a big deal if my vocal condition is just a little bit unwell. Now I know what it is like to work with the best staff.”
He also worked with top staff to film a music video right in the US. He was confused with a whole new way of filming as they had to film the given situation in only one long-take. “In our country, the staff would definitely give directions even on the smallest movement but in the US, they just asked me to ‘sing like you are flirting with this woman’. Of course, they didn’t decide the exact movement for me either. Also, they always say ‘Action’ no matter what. We were told to caress each other right at the first time we met so I entrusted completely in the actresses. Seriously, like a fish being released into water, when the music is played, I must get everything under my control. When the filming started, I thought about what to do first. I felt the pressure but because of that, we had some natural unscripted scenes.” They brought a car to a desert, played the music and he was told to act there. Since it was the very first time he and the actress met, he couldn’t help but feeling puzzled when he was told to act like he is flirting with her. Even so, they completed the filming professionally. A high-standard music video was made. “Because every staff was looking at me only, somehow rather than feeling embarrassed, I just wanted to finish the filming quickly. Every staff that I worked with are popular people and it was also their first time to work with a Korean artist. Therefore, the responsibility of leaving a good image to them and the pressure to be good seem to be more severe. That’s how everything happened.”


# From a group to a solo
From a group of 5 members to a trio, then he transformed to a solo singer.
With that much happened, he was really worried and things are not easy for him at all. Especially in the situation where his TV activities aren’t guaranteed, the pressure on promotion for his solo album is big. The album was decided to be released after hesitating, therefore he wanted it to be in higher quality and be perfect. “Depending on how I set the standard for myself, it could be considered as a success or failure. At least, considering the worries I had in mind before releasing the album, I think it was such a big success to me. To be honest, when my agency first told me to release an album, I told them I didn’t want to. It is because I have thought that promoting an album when I can’t even appear on TV is impossible. On top of that, I did want to make an album with a certain quality that is enough to please me but if that amount of money was invested in but the result couldn’t meet our expectations then that would be just a daydream.” While preparing for the album, he also collaborated with Gecko, DoubleK etc. It seems like he is completing one by one things that he has never tried out before.
“There was a story like this long time ago. Every person has their own color in terms of music. No matter how differently they try to manifest, there is still a boundary that they cannot get over. I think collaboration is a way to break it. Now if I talk about what I want to do, my agency will accept the idea and get it prepared for me. That is what makes me happy the most.”

# ‘Unconventional’ transformation
Releasing an album at the end of agony was indeed unconventional.
He took back the name ‘XIA’ and chose an androgynous concept which he’s never shown before. The decision was more unexpected to come from a boyish person like him. “To be honest, it was awkward. For my personality, doing nails or dyeing my hair to bright color is something I’d never imagined myself would do in the past. I had absolutely no interest to the point that I felt ashamed that one can be called a celebrity just because of their fancy appearance. At that time, in my opinion, because I am a singer, all I must do is singing well and that’s it. I am that type of person who doesn’t go to dermatology ‘cos I found it annoying. That thought was broken when I participated in musical ‘Elisabeth’.”
Kim Junsu played the role of ‘Death’ in the musical ‘Elisabeth’. A mystical and transcendent character like that needs to have a completely different image from normal people. That was the reason why he started dieting. “I felt that I was so different from the role ‘Death’. If I was still active in TV broadcast activities, I would monitor and shape up my style even if no one told me to do so, but during the break, I felt that I had became too ‘loose’. The role ‘Death’ that I must manifest in the musical is sexy and has similar image to the God of Death. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that this was not ‘Death’, that I wouldn’t be able to immersed in the role in this state. I think my role must attract attention of the audience right when he appears on stage so in order to transform my image, I started dieting.”
After transforming himself into ‘Death’, Kim Junsu’s mind has also changed. “It is obvious that singing is the most important thing for a singer. However, I cannot deny the fact that showing appearance is also a part of this job. The visual element can’t have priority over singing but it cannot be overlooked either. I cared a lot about the visual aspect when preparing for this album. For that reason, I did my nails and these days, if I don’t have nail art, I feel weird. My mind has changed to that extent. To me, putting efforts to change, to transform myself is something I should do for the fans. Before, I’d never thought about using wigs but now if they are needed, I will definitely wear them.”


# Solo concert, Asia tour, then World tour
During a 90-minute solo concert, one can feel breathless just by watching him performing continuously intense dance songs.
While performing alone on stage, he has mastered both singing and performance abilities and received favorable comment from audiences.
“After finishing ‘TARANTALLEGRA’, I did think that it would be great if the next song ‘Fever’ wouldn’t start at all, or if the chair that I was sitting on would just be descended into the stage’s bottom. However, wanting to show a perfect image, I arranged dance songs continuously one after one so I gathered all my strength and focused on my stage. The delight and the sense of fulfillment after that are unbelievable.” Now he is starting his World tour. Standing on a foreign stage gives him very different feelings from those he has when being on domestic stage. Is it similar to what a national representative would feel? He doesn’t stop after obtaining popularity in Japan, he extended to Europe, South America etc. He has well prepared as XIA but also as a Korean singer, he has to bear a big responsibility to show a more than perfect stage. “To be honest, near the end, I was too tired that I didn’t know how I have performed in the song ‘Mission’. Also, when the concert has ended, not only I was happy but I also felt stunned. Nevertheless, after every concert, I always have some regrets and also emptiness in my heart, then I promise to myself that I will work even harder next time.”

# The daily life of a non-celebrity Kim Junsu
During the conversation with him, he has made me marvel at the serious worries a shining star has on stage, and also made me laugh at his unpolished carefree choice of words.  “I like to be with my friends. My house is our hangout. If I am home, B2ST Kikwang, Pro-gamer Yeom Bosung, Seokyungjong etc will just press the password for my house door and come in. I like noise so I always call my friends to come over. Kikwang often comes when he has time to rest. Because all of us don’t like drinking alcohol so if Kikwang, Doojoon, Jisuk hyung etc come, we go to Hanriver at night to play basketball.”
Currently being the captain of celebrities soccer team FC MEN, he is well-known as a big soccer maniac, to the extent that he said himself “If I was born again, I want to become a soccer player”. “I am not the type that shies away but because I have to stand on stage, I cannot play as much as I want but despite of that, I am not someone who would play half-heartedly. Therefore, during the concert period, if I tell the managers that I go playing soccer, they will be in emergency mode. Even so, I still play whole-heartedly.” In 2011, he participated in Park Jisung’s charity soccer match held in Vietnam and played side by side with other players. He participated in the match not because he wanted to play but thanks to Park Jisung’s encouragement, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to run on the same field with Park Jisung. “I played for fun but Vietnamese players thought I was a player for real and kept tackling me. If I kept the ball, I would get into big trouble so I passed it. (laugh) I’ve thought that I couldn’t play in the match but Jisung hyung offered me the chance ‘Aren’t you like soccer too? Let’s play together’ so I got to play. Honestly, my physical condition on that day was really bad but will there ever have another chance like that again, so I pretended to be okay and participated in. The national team’s manager even came to see my physical condition.”


# Go beyond an idol to become a musical actor
His ticket power is famous in the musical industry. There is a hearsay that trying to get ticket for his shows is like going through a real ‘ticket war’. With such exceptional ticket power and ability, he has became a top musical star. “Tickets were expensive yet all the seats were filled up. I am really thankful for that. Therefore, I cannot perform carelessly. I might have not met 100% of their expectations but at least, I just don’t want to hear that idol singers just rely on their popularity to enter the musical industry and stand on public stage. As a result, I’ve worked hard while carrying a sense of duty. Of course, I will work even harder in the future.” In fact, there are many different opinions over the advance into musical industry of idol singers.
Some might think that considering his popularity, it was easy for him to get casted, and also in order to selling tickets, there was no doubt that the producer would choose him. To overcome such opinions, he gritted his teeth harder. Still, he has also experienced the prejudice against idol. “I have to complete everything more perfectly in order to break that prejudice. Of course, there were many pressures. I also knew the fact that if the musical was ruined because of my fault, all the arrows would point at me. I can’t help but being more cautious and in every show, I don’t allow even the smallest mistake to happen. Nevertheless, I still felt so many prejudices. If I am off-key, there will be response like ‘See, this is why we can’t accept idol’. Still, I also know that there’s no other way than endure and let it go. That is because I know it is my job to change that kind of perception little by little.” As a result, all evaluations about Kim Junsu are now positive.
At ‘The Musical Awards’, he was honored to receive the popularity award for 3 consecutive years and be nominated for Best Actor award for 2 consecutive years. The feeling of being at a musical awards ceremony is very different from a music awards ceremony.
“At a music awards ceremony, I would be considered as a sunbae but at a musical awards ceremony, I am the maknae among maknaes.  All the actors treat me well and nicely so I can do nothing but be grateful for that. I also feel alienated a bit but everyone is so nice to me. I have nothing to be ashamed of when being in this position. I hate the perception that I can sit at this position solely because of my popularity so I will work harder.”

# After debuting 9 years ago, I am still in the middle of growing just like before
This is already the 9th year since his debut. Many things happened but now he feels that he is clearly drawing out the path that he must walk through. “No matter what I do, I will always think carefully first then do it. I will think thoroughly about the picture of myself, the big picture of JYJ and decide on how I should do it.  I have learnt a big lesson by comparing this time, this moment with the past. When looking at the final result, the joy is as big as the hard time I felt during preparation period. Now I don’t like anyone to order me to do this and that. That is not me but it is just a person who is well wrapped by someone else. Of course, packaging is also an art but I would like to build up my own perfect confidence rather than being under that shell.  An artist needs to have his own thinking, his own color. Other members also feel happy when they do something by themselves and enjoy its fulfillment.” Advice he wants to give to the hoobaes is also in the same context. One cannot do everything 100% on their own but if they trust and communicate with their agency, they will become artist who never looses their own thinking. “It is not about doing everything the agency asks for blindly, it would be better to become an artist that can put his own justification in his works and speak up his mind. No matter if the agency is the one who decides the concept or not, we also have to fairly express our own opinion about the work. Undoubtedly, doing merely as what you say yourself is dangerous. Collecting opinion of people around is also important. I think if they can become an artist like that, they will find their own color inside of them and also develop their competitive power”. Challenging and building up his own self are what he enjoys the most these days. Building up one’s self is not something that can be done by one-sided communication. It is walking together with the staff toward the direction you want through mutual communication. He said that the failure he experiences on that road might cause him bigger risk than before but even so, he has no regrets. “Pressure and responsibility are one of the pleasures I am feeling right now. There is always crossroad and turning point. I want to make that turning point on my own. I still don’t know if I will succeed or fail but first of all, I won’t have any regret when doing what I want.  I will find the common point between what I think and opinions of the staff then go forward in the future. Also, through all of that, I want to create mutual trust and happiness.”


#Editor’s note - Thanks XIA!
On a rainy day August 22,  I’ve met Kim Junsu on the elegant Kyeongridan street. Before starting the outdoor photoshoot, in contrast with the gloomy look of the editor because the rain showed no sign of stopping, Junsu stepped into the photoshoot location with cheerful expression on his face. The concept for @star1 October issue’s photoshoot was named ‘Dandy & Wild’, inspired by Junsu’s two-sided charm. As the photoshoot must show 2 kinds of concept at once, we had a hard time not only fixing his clothes but also modifying the hair and make-up However, in this photoshoot that also made him feel tired, unexpectedly, as if he tried to removed the staff’s fatigue, he cracked jokes, pulled pranks and cheered up the atmosphere.
During the photoshoot, he discovered a piano at a corner. As if he was waiting for that moment, he started playing a sweet melody, then in the middle of that, he tilted his head and started singing along. If he has time, he will hum along a song, and he never realizes time has passed by when he starts talking about music. There is no need for any explanations to feel how much he loves music. “In daily life, I also believe in the power of positive thinking. Therefore, I always try my best to think positively. The rain is going to stop when our outdoor photoshoot starts.” Just as Junsu said, no, as if Junsu’s request has reached the sky, just about time when the indoor photoshoot ended, the rain really stopped and the bright sun shined down on us.
All the staff looked at Junsu and exclaimed in delight. We were able to finish the photoshoot on the street really quickly. Thanks to him, we were able to complete the photoshoot much much better than we expected. To Junsu who must have felt really tired because of the busy schedules in both domestic and overseas after releasing the album single but still did his best, also to the staff that helped me to wrap up the outdoor photoshoot quickly, I want to take this chance to say thank you to everyone. Thank you! Junsu!

# Kim Junsu’s recommendation – This song in this situation.
While driving late at night or at dawn, listening to this song will make you feel happy
- No Gain
A song that will give your lover happiness if you sing it to her
- Lullaby
A song that is good to listen when your heart is in pain, suffering from break-up
- Fever
A good song to listen when you think of the person you miss.
- Even though I know
A song that pierces through your heart if you listen when you want to release stress
- Tarantallegra
A song that makes your ears happy with polished ryhthm
- Uncommitted
A good song to listen when you want to be comforted by love that tingles your heart
- You are so Beautiful
In autumn when leaves are falling, a song that makes you happy if you listen to it while enjoying a cup of coffee
- Fallen leaves
A song that will cheer you up even when you hum it alone.
- Worse song to listen when you feel bad
When you are depressed and when you are happy, a song that will make you feel high no matter how your mood is
- Gangnam style
A song that is more interesting if you listen to it while appreciating the lyrics
- Don’t do that!
Typing by: 어쿠 @왜 나는 너를 꿈꾸는가
Scans by: 고마워사랑해미안해 @Telzone
Translated by: XIAworld
Reblogged from: JYJ3
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[TRANS] English Lyrics to Junsu’s “Love is Like a Snowflake” for Nice Guy OST

I smile again like I did yesterday
I hide it as if nothing happened
Without permission, I looked into your heart
I guess it’s my part to take your heart
Now I want to have you
Have you ever loved to death?
Just once, just once, please look back
I cry out and call you but it doesn’t reach you
I love you, I love you
Words I repeat by myself
I love you
I try to live each day well
So that I can endure through little by little
Because without you, there is no tomorrow
There is no hope, just like today
Now I want you
The sad longing builds up
It feels like my breath will stop
I follow the faint light
And now I go to you
Love comes like snowflakes
I hold out my hand to catch it but it always melts
From the moment I first saw you, it was always you
I take one step and again another step
Because to me, it needs to be only you

Credit: rubypurple_fan of JYJ3
Reblogged from: JYJ3
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[NEWS] 120927 Kim Junsu’s ‘Love is like a snowflake’ achieves all-kill on music charts, proving “Kim Junsu effect”

Kim Junsu’s song ‘Love is like a snowflake’ for the drama Nice Guy swept various music charts as soon as it was released, showing a hot reaction.
Currently, Kim Junsu’s ‘Love is like a snowflake’ became no 1 on real time music charts in online sites such as Bugs and Cyworld, and became #1 search word in portal site Melon, proving the power of the song.
The song producer has already recognized Best Idol singer Kim Junsu with his distinctive and expressive voice, expressing delicate harmony that can not be found in any ballad song.
The song which was first heard in the drama Nice Guy became a big topic since last week. In spite of short notice of the song release, public’s anticipation is high.
The viewers were overwhelmed with the touching song, “Kim Junsu conveys the complex emotions of the song really well.”, “The lyrics, the voice, it made me cry”, “Thank you for singing this ballad”, “This is the ballad for this fall”, among others
Previously, Kim Junsu has released songs for various dramas like ‘You are so beautiful’ from Scent of the Woman, and ‘I dislike love’ from Rooftop prince, both of which have dominated music charts and made us realize the Kim Junsu effect.
Meanwhile, Nice guy is broadcasted every Wed/Thurs 9:55 pm.

Source: Star.fnnews
Translated by: @rubypurple_fan of JYJ3
Reblogged from: JYJ3
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[NEWS] 120928 JYJ Junsu Solo Transformation, “I Learned How Top Production Teams Work”

JYJ member held an interview and expressed his thoughts on transformation.

JYJ member Junsu held an interview and expressed his thoughts on transformation.
JYJ member Junsu held an interview with @star1 and talked about his never ending transformations.
He has come out with his first english single, Uncommitted, and has worked with producer Automatic to produce this single.

He explains that producing in the U.S. and in Korea is very different. He commented, “In Korea, when we produce we just focus on recording, but here we all talk and discuss our thoughts before beginning to produce. Lets say we are recording for 4 hours. Two hours are spent talking about the album and the other 2 spent on recording. They also let me rest any time I wanted and made sure that I was ok. I have learned what it feels like to work in an environment with top staff members.”
He also explained that in Korea, there were exact scripts on how the music video would be played out. However, this time, he was told to just do as he pleased in order to create a more natural looking video. Junsu was surprised at first at the fact that he was supposed to just move any way he wanted to.
He added that the staff would be looking straight as him, which made him a bit embarrassed and at the same time worried because he wanted to create something that they would like.

Credit: kpopstarz
Reblogged from: JYJ3

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One More Day with You

“Dedicated to my Beloved Mother, never stopped loving you Mom!!!...Rest in Peace in Heaven”

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn’t ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you

First thing I’d do is pray for time to crawl
I’d unplug the telephone
And keep the TV off
I’d hold you every second
Say a million I love you’s
That’s what I’d do with one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you…..
Lovely Mom...

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Friend's Letter

 I re-typed this from my own facebook...

Suddenly... I thought about something last night.. Since there's no chance to say sorry,, thanks,, and love you guys...!!! for my very best friends....

Adi : heyyy... thanks for always being my very best (boy)-friend heheh.... thanks for being my brother and friend this whole time.. although we don't really have a chance to meet again after this past 5 years... you still there as a friend and always courage me the best you can... sorry for the problems I shared to you that I had no choice but to tell you everything I can't bear alone... hope we can meet again soon diw... wish the best for you like always... good luck... Love You Diw ... ^^

Emak eyot-yot : Emaaaakkk>>>>> my alter ego... I can't really find the best word to tell how much I thank, sorry, and love you so much.... thanks for being sister I've never friend, my family... I wish a happiness and laugh we shared never last... knowing me for the past six years has never been easy, right?? thank you so much for taking care of me when I was losing my mom.. thanks for willingly help me in everything I can't do alone, for being someone I can rely on, for making me the better myself, thank you for being such a Bank when I need money..wkwkwkwk... sorry for all the argued, an irritating behavior I have and for the complaining...hehhe  I Love You Emak... ^^

Vie-three : hey my girl..... this is gonna sound so cheesy but I have to tell you anyway... I don't think I could have a best friend in college but I was wrong cause I have you... thanks for being there as a friend who always share your joy and joke that made my day in college... Also we shared our pain together when we're losing our parents and made it less painful... the reason I've been so tough is because of you... I don't want to be your weak friend who tell you how much I sad of all the things happened, even tough I have to make faces that I was OK this whole time.. but it's fine now... thanks for listening all the stories I have and the support you gave me...sorry if I haven't been able to be your very best friend yet...I Love You Vie....

Nadiayaya : hey there my clumsy friend... the only one Nadya who can be smart and silly at a time... hehehe... so proud to be your friend anyway.. even tough there wasn't so many chances to share my feelings.. but I can always rely on you... thanks for the wise advice you gave me... the clumsy things you've done that never fail to make me laugh...  sorry for everything.... I Love You Nadya... ^^

Ayu kangkang : my crazy and reckless friend ever.... heuuu... I really have to thank you for all the time we shared together.. the time we chatted till the next morning and made our head so dizzy...thanks for being one of the lively inspiration to me.. thanks for being there Yu... for being like an aspirin and vitamin... hehehe sorry if I did something which make you uncomfortable... I Love You Ayu...

Cinday : my silent but thoughtful friend Cindy... thank you for being such a friend... the thing I always remember that you always said OK if I and Ayu need a place to sleep overnight and spend the whole night together.. thanks for the kindness you showed and support you gave me... thanks for the lovely hang out time...(Remember the Harry Potter things stays secret between us,hahhahah) sorry for everything.... I Love You Cinday...
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JYJ from DBSK 

Akhir-akhir ini wabah K-pop sudah 'meracuni' Indonesia... hmmm aliran musik, dance, hingga personel nya yang unyu-unyu menjadi daya tarik tersendiri. Kali ini aku bakal bahas boyband JYJ (from DBSK)... mungkin para remaja Indonesia kebanyakan lebih mengenal SuJu atau Big Bang... tapi sebenarnya DBSK atau Dong Bang Shin Ki adalah boyband yang lebih dulu debut di Negeri Ginseng itu. 

DBSK dengan 5 member yang mempunyai karakter unik Yunho (leader) , Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, dan Changmin, DBSK adalah boyband dengan fanclub terbesar dan sangat terkenal di Asia, mereka memulai official debutnya sekitar tahun 2004... Singkat cerita setelah meraih kesuksesan dan saat berada di puncak kesuksesan mereka pada tahun 2009, 3 member Junsu, Jaejoong, dan Yoochun mengajukan lawsuit ke pengadilan untuk terminasi kontrak selama 13 th bersama SMEnt (company dimana SuJu, SNSD dll bernaung), yang artinya mereka siap meninggalkan company yang membesarkan nama mereka. Banyak spekulasi beredar sehubungan dengan tindakan mereka tersebut, fanwar pun terjadi, sebagian fans mendukung aksi mereka bertiga, sedangkan fans yang lainnya ingin mereka tinggal sebagai DBSK. Setelah beberapa lama, akhirnya ketiga member tersebut resmi keluar dari SM Ent dan membentuk trio dengan initial nama mereka JYJ (Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu).

Aku sendiri mulai mengidolakan JYJ sejak tahun lalu, dan mulai terinspirasi oleh kerja keras, bakat dan cheerful charm yang mereka punya, selain tentu saja aku menikmati musik yang memang 80% mereka ciptakan sendiri. Diantara mereka bertiga aku nge'fans banget sama Junsu... jatuh cinta sama beautiful yet romantic voice of him. Sejak resmi keluar dari SM Ent mereka menghadapi masalah mengenai kesempatan broadcast atau tampil di tv nasional untuk mempromosikan album maupun lagu mereka. Dari keadaan yang mereka hadapi dan kesuksesan yang tetap mereka raih ditengah masalah yang mereka hadapi, aku belajar banyak hal. Di dunia ini, dalam kehidupan kita sendiri, kita berhak menentukan masa depan kita dengan keputusan kita sendiri, bahwa hidup memang sebuah pilihan, walaupun untuk mewujudkan atau menjalani pilihan kita sendiri tidak sepenuhnya mudah dan seringkali melewati banyak rintangan. 

Melihat bakat yang dimiliki oleh member JYJ, aku jadi semakin yakin bahwa orang yang mempunyai bakat tapi terkekang dan selalu dituntut untuk melakukan hal yang tidak sepenuhnya mereka sukai, maka orang-orang berbakat itu akan berontak keluar dari kotak yang mengekang mereka, dan pada akhirnya mampu berdiri di atas kaki mereka sendiri, melakukan hal-hal yang mereka sukai dengan penuh kebebasan, rasa nyaman dan kepuasan yang tidak bisa ditukar dengan uang. Masing-masing member JYJ mempunyai kegiatan solo dan mereka bisa membuktikan bahwa mereka memang berbakat. Junsu misalnya, dia berhasil menjadi penyanyi Korea Selatan pertama yang menggelar Solo Concert di USA, Amerika Selatan, dan Eropa. Dari pada idola aku lebih suka menyebut mereka sebagai musisi, dengan bakat yang mereka miliki, mereka berhasil membuat musik dengan warna yang berbeda, dengan konsep yang bebas mereka tentukan sendiri. 

ya JYJ adalah contoh orang-orang yang berani, berani mengambil dan menjalani 'path' yang mereka pilih sendiri walaupun dengan pilihan tersebut mereka mengalami masa-masa sulit, akan tetapi mereka bisa meraih kesuksesan dengan cara mereka sendiri dan terus berusaha untuk bekerja lebih keras demi mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik. Waloupun saat ini JYJ masih menjadi boyband yang 'dikucilkan' di negeri mereka sendiri, JYJ juga merupakan boyband yang sukses across Asia dan kini mulai menapaki kesuksesan mereka ke Eropa dan Amerika.

Maka, jangan pernah takut untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan sendiri dalam kehidupan kita, ketika kita merasa apa yang kita lakukan, hal yang kita pilih adalah hal yang baik untuk kita dan tidak merugikan orang lain, jalanlah terus, ada kalanya kita harus menutup mata dan telinga kita dari pendapat orang lain yang sekiranya dapat menghambat kita untuk melangkah maju.

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